An emerging direction for authenticating people is the adoption of biometric authentication systems. Biometric credentials\nare becoming increasingly popular as a means of authenticating people due to the wide range of advantages that they\nprovide with respect to classical authentication methods (e.g., password-based authentication). The most characteristic feature\nof this authentication method is the naturally strong bond between a user and her biometric credentials. This very same\nadvantageous property, however, raises serious security and privacy concerns in case the biometric trait gets compromised. In\nthis article, we present the most challenging issues that need to be taken into consideration when designing secure and privacypreserving\nbiometric authentication protocols. More precisely, we describe the main threats against privacy-preserving biometric\nauthentication systems and give directions on possible countermeasures in order to design secure and privacy-preserving biometric\nauthentication protocols.